The Baywatch Theory – HR is the world disrupted by technology

Date: 23-May-2018

AI Shades


HR – The Stage of Inception

Human resources as a business function has been around for quite some time now. For smooth functioning, survival, and success of any organization quality and happy human resources are a must. In the earlier days, the field of HR used to revolve around the HR team conducting a string of interviews and having in-depth conversations with prospective employees both before and after joining the job. A great level of personal touch was involved in all these dialogues. It was during this time that HR personnel were viewed as elderly souls, who were ever willing to give a patient ear to all employee queries and problems.

How has Technology Affected HR?

For a long time now, the real essence and the building block of HR have been to create long-lasting relationships between an organization and its employees. However, changing times have led to almost every single HR activity being monitored by external technological support like HR Intranet software.

1. Entry and Exit Captures:

In the good old days, the HR department was responsible for maintaining an attendance muster of all its employees. First thing in the morning, employees were expected to go and sign the muster. However, today biometric devices have been introduced, which record not just attendance but also entry and exit timings.

2. Performance Appraisal:

Every employee is required to be appraised at regular intervals. A traditional performance appraisal begins with the employee being called to the conference room and appraised before his seniors and the HR personnel. However, today employee performance is captured over different online platforms and subsequently recorded on software such as SAP.

3. The flow of Communication:

In the past, important information was circulated in organizations by making use of printed circulars and notices. However, with the advent of technology, communication within and outside the organization is now initiated over emails.

Like every new invention has its pros and cons, so does the introduction of technology in HR. However, the fact remains that technology has helped organizations to fasten their processes and save time.


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