Social Media

Explore Creative Social Intranet

So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

Improve Internal Communication

Tips to Improve Internal Communication

There are several strategies to improve workplace communication, many of which may be accomplished with internal communications software: Maintain Frequent Contact With Staff Checking in with staff is an excellent technique to ensure efficient communication. Schedule in-person or virtual sessions every few weeks or months. Discuss initiatives, leadership comments, and future proposals. You will increase workplace communication by appreciating and listening to your employees. Create a Strategy for New Employee Onboarding It might be challenging for new employees to learn the ropes on the job. Your intranet is the ideal location for creating a standardized employee training program that every Tips to Improve Internal Communication

social intranet misbelief

Move over Social Media to Gauge Your Digital Workplace Functioning

Enterprises are Shifting Towards Social Intranet The use of enterprise social networks for business has emerged as a crucial means of marketing, promoting, and managing employee and customer relationships. Communication through email is the oldest and most popular mode of communication and collaboration in enterprises. But how many of us suffer under an overload of unnecessary emails and clogged mailboxes? Using social networking intranet for enterprise collaboration might be an option worth considering while ensuring that important information locked in emails is not lost simply because an employee leaves the company or is unable to manage the vast number of messages demanding Move over Social Media to Gauge Your Digital Workplace Functioning

Boost Employee Engagement Via Social Platforms

Social Media, Tech, Digital Impacts on Workplaces

What effect are social media, mobile, and tech having on the workplace? From remote working and cloud computing to artificial intelligence and automation, how people interact with their colleagues and clients is changing. Over most people’s careers, they now spend more than a third of their waking hours at work. Estimates have the average person spending more than 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime, which is a huge proportion of one’s life. Statistics such as this show that how people work is ever more important. It affects happiness, health, and prosperity. The way people work is also changing, constantly, Social Media, Tech, Digital Impacts on Workplaces