Intranet Engagement

Explore Creative Social Intranet

So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

22 Content Ideas To Jazz

Intranet Content Ideas: 22 Intranet Content Suggestions

Your intranet was a hit when it first launched, but usage has slowly gone down. With everyone now working remotely, more people are using the platform’s tools – but they don’t find the content on there very exciting. It can be tricky to think up original ideas for your intranet every month. You’re not alone in this struggle – Gartner reports that 90% of intranets fail to meet their goals. And according to Gallup, 74% of employees feel left out and disconnected from company news. A lot of companies make the mistake of thinking of an intranet as something you Intranet Content Ideas: 22 Intranet Content Suggestions