Creative Social Intranet

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So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

digital workplace in manufacturing

The Advantages of Digital Workplaces in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry has seen a lot of change since the start of the pandemic. To stay competitive, many companies have embraced digital tools like intranets to help desk and without desk workers stay connected and productive. This investment in technology offers an improved experience for employees that can make them feel valued and supported as they contribute to the company’s success. What is the role of intranet platforms in manufacturing? Manufacturing is different from other industries, making it hard to figure out how an intranet might be useful. However many manufacturers now use these platforms to create internal networks The Advantages of Digital Workplaces in Manufacturing


11 Advantages for Using Intranet Applications Today

Intranet applications have become increasingly popular as a replacement for email for work-related communication due to their many advantages. Intranet applications can provide a secure and organized platform with many features that make communication easier and more efficient. The primary advantage of using an intranet application is the ability to organize communication. Intranet applications provide an organized, searchable database where users can quickly and easily find past conversations and other shared content. This lets users quickly find the information they need, saving time and improving productivity. Intranet applications also offer enhanced security and privacy for data. Emails can be intercepted 11 Advantages for Using Intranet Applications Today

10 Ways an Intranet Can Benefit A Company

An intranet can significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of a business. Here are ten ways it can help: 1. Enhance Communication The availability of various ways to interact provides employees the opportunity to express themselves in the manner that best suits them. Consumers can now get the answers they need through their work colleagues more quickly than ever before thanks to advances in email, voice, video, instant messaging, and social media. 2. Enhanced Co-ordination and Collaboration When employees are capable of communicating with one another, they are more likely to collaborate on projects. However, a high-quality intranet can try 10 Ways an Intranet Can Benefit A Company

employee appreciation portal

The Keys to Hybrid Work Success

Why Do We Go to the Office? Many people wonder why they need to go to the office. And how can bosses make that time at work useful? These questions are more urgent than ever with the majority of office workers now having some degree of hybrid flexibility. As per Gallup report today, 54% of remote-capable workers are working hybrid and finding themselves weighing the costs and benefits of the daily commute. In 2019, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that the average one-way commute to work was 27.6 minutes. That’s 230 hours a year simply getting to work, the equivalent The Keys to Hybrid Work Success

Internal Communications

An Internal Communication Strategy that Will Give Results

In today’s dynamic and scattered work environment, achieving business goals relies heavily on an effective internal communication strategy. This goes beyond simply crafting the right message or picking the best communication channel. It’s about crafting a compelling story that unifies everyone in your organization, from leadership to frontline employees. This blog will guide you through developing a successful internal communication strategy and identify key areas to monitor for ongoing improvement. Why do Companies need an Internal Communication Tool? Companies need internal communication tools for several reasons: 1. Improved Communication & Collaboration: These apps break down silos between departments, fostering faster An Internal Communication Strategy that Will Give Results