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So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

Future of HR

Data Matters : Strengthening Business – HR Association

The HR function has transformed from administrative to specialist and strategic over the past decade. HR still relies on line managers to ensure employees are motivated, productive, competent, and fully engaged. Therefore these two functions must understand each other and work together but we know this can be challenging. Human Resources is typically large enough to have specialists to cover the myriad responsibilities related to strategy, process, and compliance. In fairness, these specialists bring very different skill sets: from the financial role in benefits administration to the legal guru in employee relations and compliance. The bond or partnership between HR and Business Data Matters : Strengthening Business – HR Association

Intelligence Wave

Strategy to Impact – How are you leveraging the Intelligence Wave

Technology is changing the way we work, and with the constantly changing ways in which we communicate, the potential implications of “intelligent” systems, and robots displacing jobs among many others, we’re seeing more examples of such systems enabling business transformations. The market opportunity is real, with reports of AI being a 15 billion dollar industry, projected to rise to over 70 billion by 2020. IBM alone is investing 3 billion dollars to bring their Cognitive Computing to the Internet of Things. Samsung is acquiring VIV, the next-generation platform powering intelligent assistants. Google is hiring top talent from the Artificial Intelligence Strategy to Impact – How are you leveraging the Intelligence Wave

building skills

Building Future Skills – Ready Organisations

In the constantly changing world, it has become of prime importance that we keep our employees knowledgeable enough, and in the process keep them updated with the latest happenings in the corporate world. While this might be a way to make your company more competitive, it is the employees that are our most important asset, and we must focus on investing more in them to attain the required results. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the 3 ways through which we can make employees as well as the organization ready for the future: 1. Adapt to change Building Future Skills – Ready Organisations

Peer to peer Employee Recognition & Rewards in Creative Social Intranet.

Peer to peer Employee Recognition & Rewards in Creative Social Intranet.

Introducing Peer-to-Peer Employee Recognition & Rewards, Recommendations & Certifications in Creative Social Intranet. What is employee recognition? Employee recognition can be defined as timely, informal, or formal appreciation of a person’s or team’s behavior, effort, or business result that supports the organization’s goals and values. To be really productive in your job, you need to perceive the psychology of appreciating others for their good work, to apply the principles of employee recognition yourself, and to motivate others to initiate it in their work culture. Recognition is a core human need. Employees respond to acknowledgment expressed through recognition of their good Peer to peer Employee Recognition & Rewards in Creative Social Intranet.

self help hr portal

Will Mechanization Eat Into HR Employments?

Envision the entire HR group disassembled in your office. With expanding mechanization, manual work has been essentially supplanted by advanced programming and ERP frameworks. And, do you think the automated HR procedures will run smoothly without labor? Will it totally and absolutely supersede manual work? There is no straight response to these inquiries. HR, dissimilar to any other system work, is in any case, not a mechanical job. Even though there is more amount of handling work to be done in a few zones, for example, finance and enlistment, the majority of these capacities are now computerized in big corporates Will Mechanization Eat Into HR Employments?