Business Culture

Explore Creative Social Intranet

So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

social intranet misbelief

Social Business Culture

Social intranet has a powerful role in an organization and also defines a better workplace. Enterprises that are building intranets need to prioritize communication, information discovery, and collaboration. An interactive intranet serves as the gateway to the rest of a digital workplace. It helps organizations reach and align their increasingly diverse workforces so employees can collaborate and find information quickly and easily. Social intranet helps to support the creation of a fantastic workplace where people are motivated to work together to achieve business objectives. Know why enterprises are shifting towards Social Intranet? With the help of a social intranet, a company Social Business Culture

hr essentials

6 ways for HR department to do less and achieve more

It’s 2018…….Wake up, people. It’s a fact, the competition to get a job is fiercer than ever before. Recruiting is not as black and white as it used to be. Earlier, people knew which were the best companies to work for and the rest would fall in line. However these days, even the biggest companies are finding it difficult to get their first-choice candidates. Getting the perfect suitable match for their recruitment requirement isn’t easy even for the best HR department. Why is this? How to solve this? Creative Social Intranet has come up with an amazing bulletproof methodology of 6 ways for HR department to do less and achieve more

boost internal communications

Significance of Corporate Communication Software

Corporate communication software is the backbone of modern organizations, serving as a central hub for information sharing, collaboration, and employee engagement. Organizations that are able to implement collaboration effectively, size up their growth with; 70% – Reduced Risk of Attrition2X – Employee Productivity50% – Enhanced Innovation Its significance lies in its ability to: We understand the deep-rooted and outstanding benefits of workplace collaboration that help drive measurable business outcomes. Few of our Corporate Communication features in the Social Intranet

recognition and rewards

Incentive & Recognition Programs: Bridging the Disconnect between Design and Impact

Motivating and recognizing your employees’ contribution to the overall growth of your business is really important to the development of a company. An appreciation or an award/reward for the employee creates an effective and positive working environment as well as enhances the employee’s sense of accomplishment, contribution, involvement, and job satisfaction – all of which can improve employee productivity. This increases customer satisfaction, enhances teamwork and increases retention of quality employees, and lower negative effects such as absenteeism and stress. It all sounds great, but the path to employee happiness isn’t always clear, and setting up an effective recognition strategy doesn’t just Incentive & Recognition Programs: Bridging the Disconnect between Design and Impact

Intranet Solution

Why Companies Fail In Their Digital Transformation Journeys?

Every company is leveraging some or other form of digital transformation, but the reason why many digital transformations are failing is that people do not understand why the organization needs to change in the first place. It is important that the companies understand the HWW(How, When and Why) of why they need to be a part of the digital transformation wave. Here are 3 reasons why companies fail in their digital transformation journey: 1. Constricted with Technology We are confined to the problems we face with technology and every time we make a change in one part of our strategy or detail, we need to update the entire process. Why Companies Fail In Their Digital Transformation Journeys?