Corporate Communication Portal : Why It’s important At Workplace

Date: 17-Jan-2018

Benefits of Digital Communication in the Workplace


When it is effective working at a workplace, strong communication among employees is a necessity. This ensures that employees of the organization are working efficiently in a healthy office environment to meet project requirements. When this communication is affected by a problem, it further impacts the overall business.

A corporate communication portal is necessary for:

  • Transformation on the right information at the right time
  • Improved workplace productivity
  • A trustworthy, time-saving connection between employees

Corporate Communication Portal To Help Business Grow

A corporate communication portal is an intranet networking solution where all company computers are on a common network to help employees develop a connection with each other. The corporate communication portal can be accessed through the Internet, and employees can stay connected with the rest of the workplace even when they are traveling.

The communication portal of an office consists of features like:

  • Centralized access to company sources, information, and tools
  • Authorized employees of the company can write, update, or modify content to inform all company workers about the latest happenings in the company.
  • Live user-interaction that provides fast feedback and group discussions.
  • Search feature within the portal allows employees to search for data stored on the intranet quickly, and update it.

Creative Web Mall for Corporate Communication Portal

Using corporate communication portal services of Creative Web Mall, you can get a modern way of intranet for your company employees.

The portal with customization properties includes services:

  • Access to resources like employee directory, news, information, reporting, and HR information
  • Content groups to share company content and blogs
  • Personalization at group levels
  • Intuitive management of the portal

Through cost-effective services, Creative Web Mall ensures that you get a corporate communication portal that suits your business requirements and gives you results you require



So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

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