Move over Social Media to Gauge Your Digital Workplace Functioning
Date: 19-Nov-2019
The use of enterprise social networks for business has emerged as a crucial means of marketing, promoting, and managing employee and customer relationships. Communication through email is the oldest and most popular mode of communication and collaboration in enterprises.
Using social networking intranet for enterprise collaboration might be an option worth considering while ensuring that important information locked in emails is not lost simply because an employee leaves the company or is unable to manage the vast number of messages demanding his attention.
Most organizations compare digital workplace performance to social media consumption. Leaders at higher levels convey their vision and goals down through the organizational chain of workers, with success measured by the alleged employee engagement with the corporate messages. Studies that have been benchmarking organizations’ digital collaboration performance for many years now state that while employees welcome being recognized as a leader, the majority are driven by two purposes:
Today many multinationals are readily changing their goal and stitching their focus. Example A search Engine asks its team members to switch from earlier focusing on helping find relevant content to helping its users have more meaningful social interactions. Facebook is today well prepared to forgo the short-term advertising revenue to build a stronger engagement platform, predicated on deeper intense conversations between trustworthy connections. Very recently, it was read that Twitter is considering removing the Like button in to “incentivize healthy discussion” as it is often considered a conversation killer. How do you respond to a “like”?
Perhaps today companies have finally come to the insight that real “engagement” happens between people, with content being one important factor to achieve, but conversation being a rather more stronger one. While still supporting well-targeted media campaigns, marketing companies are claiming the only way to get to prospective customers now is to have outstanding products that early adopters readily spread the word about via conversations. Marketing companies suggests that marketing messages today have to be inside the product and not around it.
If statistics are truthful, you will have noticed that over time your social media marketing efforts, internally and externally, reach a place where no amount of innovative tactics or efforts can shift the knob any further. So now is the correct time to stay back and reflect on what you are trying to accomplish. Have you lost the prospect of this? Are your existing metrics really going to help you forecast your increased business value?
Are your business problems been solved in real-time? That means are you gaining new clients, improvising on product quality timely, delivering faster than competitors, solving customer issues, engaging employees, etc.?
You may not have to be a benchmarking partner to gain from the use of this framework, so you can consider the following suggestions:
In the end, it is the improvement practices you learn about from others that will aid you in achieving your company goals.