Know How Employee Value Proposition is proportional to Talent Experience Value Proposition

Date: 21-Feb-2019

Know How Employee Value Proposition is proportional to Talent Experience Value Proposition


Employee Value Proposition aka EVP is a set of values that are offered to the employees by their employers. They are often used to attract new hires and also help to engage and retain existing employees. It is basically the total package that employee gets in return for the time and effort invested in their performance at the workplace. It is important to stress that it’s more than just a simple addition of compensation and benefits. A great EVP is actually a balance of tangible and intangible rewards like flexible working hours, comfortable company culture, and meaningful projects to work upon.

EVP is the essence of the company which directly impacts the talent and experience value propositions of the company. As per the latest market survey, HR professionals claim that the current recruitment market is 90% candidate driven which means companies don’t pick up talent anymore but Talent picks companies.

To retain top performers and attract the best external talent company should create a compelling EPV package. A company should gather information with the help of employee surveys, exit interviews, and feedback from former associates to understand the existing perception of your company brand and culture. While designing the EVP, determine and test all the key selling points which make an individual want to work for you. Once it is finalized, make sure the message is clearly communicated through all possible channels to the crowd you want to attract.

We believe that your existing workforce should see the alignment of what you sell externally and in reality, working for your company as the mouth of the word is the strongest source of advertising. Our company Creative Social Intranet provides a fast easy and immersive intranet portal that improves workplace, engagement, training, and communication amongst all your teams across the globe. We promise to deliver industry-leading tools that make tightly secured data communication and collaboration in your business.


So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

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