Meaning & Definition
Johari Window
The Johari Window is a psychological and communication model that was developed by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955. It is designed to help individuals and groups understand and improve their communication and interpersonal relationships. The Johari Window is a visual representation that divides information about a person into four quadrants or “panes,” each representing different aspects of self-awareness.
The four quadrants of the Johari Window are as follows:
- Open or Public Self
This quadrant contains information or characteristics about an individual that are known to themselves and others. It represents the area of shared knowledge, and it typically includes attributes such as name, job title, and other observable behaviors and traits.
- Blind Self
This quadrant contains information that is not known to the individual but is known to others. It represents aspects of the person’s behavior, habits, or personality that others may observe but of which the individual is unaware. Feedback from others can help expand the open self by bringing awareness to these “blind spots.”
- Hidden or Private Self
This quadrant contains information that is known to the individual but is kept hidden or not shared with others. It includes personal thoughts, feelings, fears, or experiences that the individual chooses not to disclose. This quadrant represents an individual’s private self, which may become known as trust and rapport development with others.
- Unknown Self
This quadrant represents information about an individual that is neither known to them nor to others. It may include latent talents, undiscovered emotions, or other aspects of the self that have not yet come to light.
The goal of the Johari Window is to expand the “Open” quadrant by increasing self-awareness and sharing more information with others while reducing the size of the “Blind” quadrant by seeking and accepting feedback. This process can lead to better communication, trust, and collaboration within a group or team.
The Johari Window is often used in self-awareness and interpersonal skills training, as well as in therapeutic and team-building contexts. It encourages individuals to engage in self-reflection, self-disclosure, and seeking constructive feedback from others. By enhancing self-awareness and mutual understanding, the Johari Window can help individuals improve their relationships and communication with others.