Alumni Intranets Encourage a Vibrant Business Community.

Alumni Network helps companies employees with guidance and provides assistance at the various stages during their stay in the company.

Intranet Solutions for Alumni India

Intranet Software for ex-employee Alumni

How do you Connect to your Company Ex-Employees?

Communication Software for Ex-employees

When it comes to designing the company alumni application, we always think about how to accommodate our self in your employees shoes to determine which pathways they might take so that we make an intuitive and natural Alumni intranet portal for your enterprise with an Alumni Directory that is filterable by year, department, and athletics.

Within the Alumni Intranet, features like posting information on alumni events and company events including trainings and sports activities, sharing news, Updates on alumni and company news, and emergency bulletins are made easy and intuitive. Creative Alumni intranet also has networking features like Linkedin and Facebook including ways to find out information about a colleague or other alum, and the ability to view alumni blogs and artices.

Creative Alumni Intranet Portal is an holistic application that provides an employee experience with the right tools to capture employee feedback, rewards and recognitions. Neglecting employee efforts can be a biggest reason in an enterprise employee turnover. With the rewards and recognition and employee feedback tool in Almuni intranet, employees can provide peer to peer recognitions to their colleagues and managers and even can provide ideas for the company betterment. The employee quiz and survey tools and programs via the intranet is an effective counter measure in this instance.

Why Companies should have an Alumni Portal for Ex-Employees?

Alumni can guide the companies resources by acting as a mentor during their most important phase of life. Their are possibilities that ex-employees with great job opportunities can help find prospective clients for businesses through the networking among alumni.

  • Alumni Network helps companies employees with guidance and provides assistance at the various stages during their stay in the company.
  • The Alumni’s work actually helps the cureent employees and new prospective joinees to identify the power of the company. The current employees can find out the future opportunities available outside when they get the needed experience from your company.

Networking Tools for Retired Employees

Alumni Intranet Portals are an Important Part of Promoting a Thriving Enterprise Community

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