Improve Company Knowledgebase With Creative Social Intranet
Date: 17-Jul-2022
There is no recipe for constructing the ideal knowledge foundation. The content strategy is determined by company requirements and client dynamics. There are excellent practices and new ideas. Here’s a list of things to consider and then implement.
A company knowledge base houses the information that businesses rely on to run their operations. That is a broad term, as knowledge bases contain a wide range of implications. If you ask five individuals what a knowledge base is, you can receive five different answers. Before delving into the various forms of knowledge bases, consider the following characteristics.
Customer support software enables businesses to manage customer support issues from start to finish. Another sort of software is solely concerned with managing knowledge base material. Wiki tools, Slack or Teams add-ons, and other content management systems are examples of this.
In 2004, the term folksonomy was established to describe the internet phenomena of social tagging. Employees may self-categorize their work using tags like #marketing, #casestudy, or #question. This increases content readability and boosts search.
Taxonomy is controlled at the admin level, whereas folksonomy is addressed at the user level. Every knowledge base platform for businesses allows users to configure content kinds and organizations based on a taxonomy approach. This includes determining high-level categories and how people will traverse the material.
Search is a knowledge base pillar, but its usefulness skyrockets when a global search is included. This capability is becoming increasingly popular as work information is dispersed across several applications and places. Employees may use global search to check across cloud storage applications, intranet material, Slack, email, and other services all in one search.
Content for knowledge bases must be supplied across regions and continents. The ability to localize on-demand contributes to the knowledge base becoming a reliable source of information and enhances the amount of material supplied. Ascertain that an effective translation and localization plan is in place.
Employee-generated material serves as the foundation of every knowledge base. However, in order for it to be effective, firms must implement standards to assist employees in organizing their thoughts. Strive for a happy medium between stringent regulations that inhibit innovation and a hands-off attitude.
The practice of creating material based on frequently asked questions (FAQ) predates the knowledge base and the internet. Almost every website has a FAQ section, and every knowledge base should do the same. Questions occur as a result of consumer interactions, search statistics, marketing objectives, or basic common sense.
Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices are required for external (customer-facing) knowledge bases. People use Google to find answers automatically. Use keyword research to ensure that knowledge-based articles include the most prevalent search phrases for the product or service. Additionally, ensure that specific knowledge base items are not stealing traffic from others. For example, if there’s an article on a calendar widget, make sure an unrelated article about a scheduling feature isn’t sucking traffic away from it.
While the knowledge base is simply a library of information, it should not be treated as something you write and then forget about. It should be treated in the same manner as any other product launch. Create a marketing strategy and implement regular changes, upgrades, and new features. Implement one or more product owners who design and maintain knowledge base success factors to enable this mentality.
While UX addresses technological decision-making and design, knowledge bases must also address satisfaction. This data might point to issues that were missed throughout the design or content development processes. Use software solutions to include feedback surveys, or look for chances to poll consumers or staff on a regular basis. As previously stated, each article should include a feedback section.