How To Promote Long-Term Use of the Employee Intranet?

Date: 31-Dec-2024

The intranet at your company has tremendous potential, but it will be useless if employees don’t know how to properly utilize it. We at Creative Social Intranet think that there is nothing sadder than unrealized potential, particularly when it comes to the success of businesses and corporations. As a result, we will discuss some effective strategies for companies to increase the frequency with which their employees use the intranet and to release the latent power of their intranet.

6 Strategies For Promoting Employee Intranet Adoption

1. Employee Inquiries Should Be Redirected

One simple strategy for boosting employee engagement is to restrict access to certain office resources to the internal network. Anything from a list of employee benefits to a time off form could be included in this category. You should gently direct employees to the intranet when they ask for information that is already available there. This subtle method encourages workers to make better use of the intranet and boosts their ability to gather and process information independently. Inevitably, as users become more comfortable with sending and receiving messages via the intranet, they will use it for more purposes.

2. Employ It As A Strategic Asset In Your Work

There is a focus on productivity and innovation in the workplace thanks to the use of intranets. But that can only occur if your intranet is modern and straightforward. Frustration and poor decision-making can result from using outdated or irrelevant information found on the company intranet.

As a result of working with this material, employees can easily become burned out.

In addition, an intranet that is full of irrelevant information and complicated procedures can become unwieldy and difficult to navigate. As a result, your intranet’s adoption and level of employee engagement will suffer.

You can avoid this by making conscious efforts to maintain a clutter-free intranet. In this way, you can ensure that your staff has quick and easy access to any relevant data or materials.

3. Create a Safe Environment

The intranet facilitates new forms of interaction, communication, and collaboration between employees. However, this can only take place in an atmosphere where new thoughts and originality are fostered. Ideas are strengthened by robust debates and alternative perspectives, but only if the energy spent on them is constructive and growth-oriented. Especially in the digital realm, where data interpretation errors are common, this is crucial. When workers are appreciated and cared for, they are more likely to contribute creative ideas and constructive feedback.

4. Gives Employees an Options

Advising someone what to do, especially when that something is new or will cause disruption, is a surefire way to get a negative reaction. Giving workers more leeway in making decisions boosts their morale and makes them feel like they have a real impact on the company. This holds regardless of whether or not their decisions will have any lasting impact. Giving workers some say over when and how they access the company intranet is one way to boost engagement, productivity, and originality in the workplace.

5. Adoption Curve to be Anticipated

Human nature establishes a pattern called the adoption curve that characterizes how people generally respond to new things and how quickly improvements are accepted. Humans, like profits, stocks, and other business elements, typically adopt and make use of new technology and experiences in predictable ways. By recognizing this trend, businesses can set more reasonable goals for their employees’ intranet integration and see how their own adoption and usage rates stack up against the norm.

6. Encourage Unspoken Thoughts

Even though employees may be reluctant to share their thoughts, that doesn’t mean they don’t have them. One way managers can get their staff talking more is by singling out individuals who they think might have useful insights or alternative viewpoints and asking them to share their thoughts. Sometimes, all it takes to inspire employees to share their thoughts and show them they are valued is a friendly invitation. Especially if they present a new angle that has not been thought of before, this will be the case.

Creative Social Intranet

Achieving sustained intranet usage among staff members need not be challenging. Any type of business can benefit from implementing an intranet with just a little bit of care. At Creative Social Intranet, we assist businesses in developing their in-house creative capacities and realizing their full potential. We enjoy advising companies on how to make the most of their intranets and facilitating the development of collaborative business communication.

Reach out to us or schedule a personalized demo of the Creative Social Intranet to find out how it can help your company.


So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

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