How to boost internal communications within organizations?

Date: 01-Jul-2020

boost internal communications


Let’s start with what Internal communications are. And why is it important for the organization?

Announcing the news to the employees or informing them about some important matter is part of any organization’s processes. Internal communications is a complete set of internal processes that helps motivate employees along with keeping them informed, increases productivity and revenue, and drives employee engagement. Employee engagement is better when there is strong internal communication that promotes conversations and connections at all levels. As per the Gallup report, the majority of the employees are disengaged. Disengaged employees give high rates of employee turnover. Which results in a decrease in company productivity as well as company revenue.

Powerful internal communication helps disseminate two-way communication. Company to employees, employees to the company, employees to employees.

Few Tips to Boost Internal Communications

1. Introduce Two-Way Communications

Peer-to-peer communication or two communication is the key to modern-age business growth. With diverse employees right from Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, or Generation Z, developing a process and a strategy that suits the comforts and skills levels of all generations calls for two-way internal communication. Listening to each employee’s preferences, and ideas and sharing their company strategy and ideas is possible only through the modern intranet for internal communications.

A modern intranet shares company information through videos, blogs, file sharing, downloads, ppts, news, and wikis. A diverse platform that attracts every generation of employees.

2. User-Specific Content

You must have seen popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. All these websites show personalized content based on the topics searched for or preferred by the users. Companies that have introduced modern intranets in their organization for internal communication have used this approach, They provide user-specific content to their audience. and are ahead of the game when it comes to internal communications. Creative Social Intranet provides an option for employees to subscribe to feeds that are specific to their interests and specifications.

3. Mobile Responsive Software

With the mobile era, companies need to introduce internal communication software that is mobile-responsive and works effectively on all devices. Employees can access company information from any location.

Mobility brings efficiency to internal communications. It helps deliver information in times of emergencies. It eases the search of data for employees thus reducing dependencies on managers.

4. Introducing the Social Networking Approach

As we know, social networking websites are always appealing. Introducing a social approach even in the company intranet is a great way for managers, and even CEOs, to stay connected to their employees. Traditional methods of the company intranet were boring memos and staff emails. Modern intranets are interactive with blogs for employees to comment on and share insights with senior managers. Modern tools in social intranets like online surveys, and polls help to quickly and easily canvas staff views on a whole range of issues and help in seeking feedback on company strategies and ideas.

Tools like employee directories, project management, and recognitions can cherry-pick potential members of a cross-departmental working group to look at developing a new digital marketing strategy.

5. Learning With Gamification

E-learning and employee onboarding through the company intranet keep employees engaged and motivated. Introducing contests and gamification brings a competitive spirit within the employees of the company…

Social intranet enables gamification to transform tedious daily tasks into exciting activities.

6. Create An Executive Blog

We have touched on this already but in the online world, blogging has become such an important means of building trust and shaping reputations that it’s a good idea to consider replicating it in the workplace. Just as an effective blog positions a company as a thought leader and as a valuable source of information, so an internal CEO blog can have the same effect on staff members. CEOs and higher-level executives are often obscure to lower-level employees. Visibility is often poor and there’s no sense of connection between the two. It is, however, possible to close that gap through an informative, friendly blog post from the CEO or you could rotate the responsibility through the company’s top managers.

Internal-communications-executive-blog an executive blog sends out an important message that employees are valued and it presents an image of the CEO and senior management as being open and accessible. Companies that use CEO blogs have reported an improvement in staff morale and a greater sense of connection between employees, senior management, and the company. The ability to post comments or questions that are read by the executive makes employees feel empowered and appreciated. Consider using the blog to solicit feedback from the staff body. And let employees know you genuinely want to hear their views and opinions on new company programs, initiatives, or policies.

Don’t make the mistake though of using the blog solely as a corporate mouthpiece. Yes, of course, you should broadcast important company updates and messages, but you are more likely to resonate with the wider staff body if you mix it up with personal reflections on topics and issues that are important to you. Take a leaf out of the book of Mark Zuckerberg. His very personal blog post directed to his newborn baby, A Letter To Our Daughter, quickly went viral and the reason why is because it was genuine and authentic and touched people in a way that no insipid corporate message could ever do.

7. Include A Video Library

Document resources are great, but it’s unlikely that employees are going to read through the employee handbook in their free time. Make policy changes and other announcements fun and personable by using video instead of traditional print media.

One study found that 90 percent of communications professionals feel that video plays an “important” or “somewhat important” role in their organization’s communication strategy. Indeed, the popularity of YouTube among some of the younger generational cohorts means that video has now become a mainstream communication channel in many businesses. What’s more, the camera and video capabilities of the average smartphone or tablet have improved so much that video is now a very accessible as well as a cost-effective medium.

Here are some ideas on how you can incorporate video into a far-reaching communications strategy. Consider alternating a text-based CEO blog post with a video message. Advise employees of a new product launch via video. Utilize how-to videos to take staff members through the steps necessary to complete a task such as adding a new supplier to the database. Be innovative. The applications are almost endless so be imaginative in your thinking.

In addition, make sure that you create a video library that allows employees to search, comment, and share content. The company intranet is the ideal location for such a library. And while you’re at it introduce an element of fun too by posting video clips from team-building events or funny happenings around the office. You can then sit back and watch engagement skyrocket as employees look for videos of themselves and their co-workers.

8. Introduce An Element of Story Telling

The latest news regardless of the communication channel, people relate best to stories that are about people. It doesn’t matter what the medium is or the technology that you are using, employees will respond better if you can present the message with a people focus. So say, for example, that you are looking to introduce a new customer relationship management system. Rather than presenting it as being all about achieving efficiencies in business processes or improving sales and customer retention, instead, focus on the difference it will make to Bill in Sales. The truth is the majority of staff members will find it more interesting and engaging if you present the new system by focusing on the difference it will make to an ordinary employee like Bill and how much easier his life will be as a result. Bill will be better able to service his clients having at his fingertips a full sales and servicing history plus full details of the client’s interaction with all teams within the business. What makes a difference to people resonates far more than bland and boring business targets and processes.

When reviewing your internal communications strategy, look for opportunities to incorporate storytelling. It will make those corporate messages more meaningful and engaging and so will benefit everyone from the CEO down to the customer support officer.

Boost Internal Communications With An Intranet

The bottom line is quite simple. Improving internal communications will see a corresponding increase in employee engagement, levels of employee satisfaction, and overall company morale. This, in turn, will have an impact on customer service, productivity, and revenue. So, if internal communications have been a low priority in your business or are something that you just haven’t had the spare capacity to address, then it’s time to do something about it.

Creative Social Intranet helps businesses benefit from automated company processes to improve opportunities for collaboration and joint working as well as more efficient sharing of information and data both internally and externally.


So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

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