Employee Profile in intranet offers a Social element with networking
An Employee Profile in the company intranet website is your chance to showcase your personality and provide insights into your designation, achievements and experience that may not be immediately apparent to others.
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Employee Profiles
Importance of Employee Profiles to the Company
Employee Profile helps to know Diversely Placed Employees
When people work in diverse locations, knowing each other can be next to impossible. However if the employee fills out their profiles, they’re letting everyone within the organisation be diversely located know each other not only by their professional expertise, but common likes and locations as well.
Introduces a Social Touch with Networking
Networking is a major thing in employee engagement. Inspired by best of the breeds like LinkedIn, Facebook, effective employee profiles can help building professional network within the organisation. Every employee can benefit from networking with colleagues be a shy or a introvert by nature but still are striving to reach similar goals.
Employee Profile help in Talent Scouting
When your organisation has more than 500 employees, talent scouting with the exact skill set can be a tedious job for the HR department. Employee profiles that showcase individual talent, experience, achievements, skills and interest can be used to house information and can serve as excellent tools for those who are in managerial positions and are trying to find the perfect candidate to take on a specific role or responsibility.
Help New Hires to Assimilate
All of the above reasons really help new joiners get up to pace quickly when joining a company. They can connect to new joiners while showing off their background and areas of expertise. Filling out employee profiles is an important part of the onboarding process.
Every employee can personalize their profile pages with a personal photo, cover picture. Like office workstations, your employees can take pride in decorating their online workplaces too personalized. Creative Social intranet helps share and collaborate with co-workers easily. Employees can edit profile at any time and change photos multiple times.
See your contributions to the company intranet. Newsfeed allows you to see what others have posted. Get notifications on new updates. See who follows you. Manage new followers request. Bookmark your favourites and manage company intranet groups.
When users browse each others’ profiles, it’s crucial that they be able to network further and connect with one another. In Creative Social Intranet, employees can connect with one another by adding / following like-minded individuals to their list of “friends” (or co-workers, or colleagues).
Few tools inbuilt into the Employee profile application in Creative Social Intranet
An Employee Profile on the company intranet website is your chance to showcase your personality and provide insights into your designation, achievements, and experience that may not be immediately apparent to others. It’s a great tool to help company intranet user to understand more about their colleagues and is a vital thing in building Company Org Chart. Personal profile pages of employees provide a biography, expertise, activities, and social connections. Employee personal information helps people connect and get to know each other, improving employee morale and driving employee engagement.