Delivering a Connected Employee Experience
Date: 02-Aug-2018
At the end of the day, Employee experience is of extreme importance for the organization’s success. According to a survey conducted by The Future Workplace, the majority of employers (83%) said the employee experience is important or very important for organizational success. Yet, many companies do not spend dedicated time or resources making sure their employee experience is well-designed and aligned with company culture.
You would hear companies and HR talk about employee engagement at multiple forums and in-office discussions, but the fact remains that there are very few that are able to deliver a connected employee experience that enriches them and in turn, makes them feel valued.
At work, if the environment isn’t good, you can’t expect an employee to perform well, and give you the desired results. It is important that you keep a pleasant environment and that isn’t attained by smiling corporate images, but instead, an experience where the employee’s efforts are valued and he feels happy to step inside the premises with a bent of mind of doing something that will benefit him and his company on that given day.
It isn’t a tough task for HR to create such an environment.
Every employee joins at a specific level, but over the course of time, they would like to move up the ladder and be a part of the next level of management. If your employee clears the Internal Job Posting but isn’t well equipped with the policies and the effective measures required for that role, then your efforts have gone in vain.
It is important that you provide them with important training more than business training to enhance their skills. How about a visit to TechHR 2018 this 1st, 2nd, and 3rd August at The Leela?
Everyone loves when they are being heard and the same applies to employees too. Every employee has some input that can make your company become better. Organize a one-on-one discussion session or an anonymous feedback form drop box option.
There are times when you receive the best feedback this way.