Company Intranet

Work Tech

The Promise of Work Tech

Technology is at the forefront of every business and everyone wants to implement the best technology for optimum results, but while this is one side of the story the other side states that not everyone can implement it right and thus end up on a losing end. Many activities that workers carry out today have the potential to be automated. At the same time, job-matching sites are changing and expanding the way individuals look for work and companies identify and recruit talent. Independent workers are increasingly choosing to offer their services on digital platforms and, in the process, challenging conventional The Promise of Work Tech

Custom Intranet Solutions – How does INNOVATION really look like?

Custom Intranet Solutions – How does INNOVATION really look like?

What is Innovation? Innovation is the process of modernizing and upgrading the existing techniques and processes that complete an organization. A good amount of research needs to be carried out before initiating innovation of any sort. Support from internal and external human resources that have a direct or indirect impact on an organization is equally important. Innovation decisions are not made overnight. It is a slow and steady process, which needs to be given sufficient time before the final innovation blueprint is laid down. Taking expert advice at regular intervals can also help in more than just one way. Sense Custom Intranet Solutions – How does INNOVATION really look like?


What if? Breaking Barriers to Innovation

Forget the “What If?”: For a long time now, we have been advised to rise above the “ifs” and “buts”. This holds true with regard to acknowledging and accepting innovation in the field of HR as well. Innovation refers to one such new discovery, invention, idea, or breakthrough, which brings about a drastic change in the way things are perceived and interpreted. Every little change is followed by resistance. The case is the same with regard to HR innovation as well. The catch here is to simply break barriers and make way for innovation. Make a Collective Effort: In order What if? Breaking Barriers to Innovation

AI Shades

99 Shades of AI – The Talent Version

AI better known as Artificial Intelligence has started contributing massively to the HR function. The most recent involvement has been in talent acquisition and management. In times, when a time constraint is a major issue faced by most of us, AI is believed to ease things out by helping us to divert our precious time to productive activities in general. Candidates are constantly looking for jobs and workplaces that promise the utmost job satisfaction. Every single day, several emails sent by job seekers flock to the HR manager’s inbox. However, it becomes extremely difficult for hiring managers to scrutinize all 99 Shades of AI – The Talent Version

hr essentials

The HR Technology Market in Disruption – What is Coming Next??

What does the HR Technology Market have in store? HR, which is a human function, made it a point to rely heavily on human factors in order to achieve an organization’s HR objectives. However, with technological transformation being the need of the hour, it became somewhat necessary to amalgamate the many HR activities with the upcoming tech-based platforms. A certain pattern was being followed in the HR Technology Market, which has now started to experience a sudden transition. So what is it that is sitting ready to get unveiled? Go the CPM way: A brand new concept CPM, which is better known The HR Technology Market in Disruption – What is Coming Next??

Step into the future with Creative Social Intranet! Play a virtual Holi on our Intranet server and witness the amazing power of technology. Although nothing can replace the joy of celebrating festivals in person, with some motivation and creativity, Creative Social Intranet can help you stay connected and celebrate Holi virtually with your co-workers, friends, and family. So, let’s bring the fun and festivities this Holi, despite the distance!