6 ways for HR department to do less and achieve more

Date: 21-Sep-2018

hr essentials


It’s 2018…….Wake up, people.

It’s a fact, the competition to get a job is fiercer than ever before. Recruiting is not as black and white as it used to be. Earlier, people knew which were the best companies to work for and the rest would fall in line.

However these days, even the biggest companies are finding it difficult to get their first-choice candidates. Getting the perfect suitable match for their recruitment requirement isn’t easy even for the best HR department.

Why is this? How to solve this?

Creative Social Intranet has come up with an amazing bulletproof methodology of 6 ways for the HR department to do less and achieve more with this intranet software… The solution is simple. Find easy and effective ways below.

1. Shift to the digital hiring process:

So how does this digital recruitment work…Recruitment and detainment are a top concern for most employers globally. Digital recruitment is mainly responsible for this as it’s incredibly easy for online recruiters to find an employee profile, match to their skills and experience to their employer and send a quick message asking for a chat about a new opportunity. The recruiters use a blend of the latest social media and HR portals that work simultaneously to seek out these ideal candidates.

This means that while it is easy for businesses to get new employees, it’s just as easy for prospective employees to be poached away.

Digital recruitment means that there are going to be several employers trying to get the same employee at once.

Benefits of a digital interview platform

  • It offers an easy way to conduct and attend interviews from anywhere in the world.
  • It breaks the ice and makes the process comfortable
  • Offers flexibility in scheduling the interview
  • You can select the best candidate more efficiently
  • You can save time and money
  • Video recordings can be recorded to make the selection process more efficient.
  • Video interview technology makes the process simpler, faster, and easier

2. Introduce automated onboarding

No matter how tech-savvy (or savvy-less) your organization is, Creative Social Intranet makes onboarding a breeze in the current fast automated business world…

Benefits of automated onboarding:

  • Create better beginnings: Creative Social Intranet’s employee self-onboarding solution can help you complete paperwork and make introductions quickly with welcome emails and team introductions before a new hire’s start date.
  • Keeping new hires engaged: An effective onboarding process turns an engaged candidate into an engaged employee. with an effective onboarding system. When new hires feel included in the organization, they’ll become attached and invested much sooner.
  • Retaining top talent: With our onboarding tools, you can create a process that boosts new-hire retention across your organization.
  • Create personal connections: New hired employees can view their new team in the organization chart—which includes pictures, names, and even LinkedIn profiles—as part of their new hire packet.
  • No more paper pushing: The new hire packet automates the onboarding process by sending important forms to be filled online by the incoming employees before their first day.
  • Easy to learn, easy to use: Our onboarding tools make the process simple for managers, new hires, and HR professionals.
  • It’s economical: Don’t forget, Creative Social Intranet gives due consideration on cost as well. It’s highly economical to employ our onboarding system.

3. Invest in time-tracking software

What is Time Tracking?

Time tracking is simply the measurement and documenting of hours worked. With technological advancement, businesses can also track additional data such as efficiency and employee productivity. The software is used in many industries, including those that employ freelancers and hourly workers.

Features offered by time-tracking software include:

  • Automatic generation of invoices to professional's clients or customers based on the time spent.
  • Tracking of cost overruns for fixed-cost projects.
  • Workforce management packages that track attendance, employee absences, human resources issues, payroll, talent management, and labor analytics.
  • It is easier to determine whether someone is working efficiently since you are tracking information
  • It also allows you to more easily prioritize workflow.
  • A ticket tracking system is better for determining which departments/teams/businesses are receiving the most support requests so you can allocate your support resources efficiently
  • You can apply a custom workflow to issue resolution
  • It’s easier to deal with reorganizing issues if a team member leaves since you can just look through all the ones still assigned to them, and reassign as necessary.
  • Multiple people can work on the same issue, and in doing so can keep their progress in the same place.

4. Assist employee problems with an online trouble ticket system

Creative Social Intranet’s Employee onboarding software helps you focus on important activities like getting new hires onboard and started in their roles, outlining expectations, introducing company culture, building connections, etc.

Its key features are:

  • Create better beginnings
  • Keeping new hires engaged
  • Retaining top talent
  • Create personal connections
  • No more paper pushing
  • Easy to learn, easy to use
  • The cost-cutting solution, a cheaper remedy

5. Turn performance reviews into redeemable points

Redeem employee points as gift cards: Employees can easily redeem their points as gift cards once points have been allocated to their accounts.

Prize money not only motivates the employee to work harder, but its reorganization indirectly boosts their morale. There are plenty of other inexpensive ways for management to show the employees the recognition that they deserved. Sometimes at the end of the day, the two most underused words in any organization or company are the simple words ‘Thank You’’.

6. Secure with bulletproof offboarding

Creative Social Intranet helps to build a bullet-proof employee offboarding process. The basic framework of this topic is to help business owners and HR leaders view effective termination from both sides of the basic accounting equation: done well it can BOTH reduce costs AND increase customer and employee loyalty. As with all employment actions, they should be lawful, safe, secure, efficient, ethical, fair, and respectful. The model we will use is how HR can engineer the off-boarding process

  • i) To reduce legal exposure and financial costs, and
  • (ii) To improve the pool of future talent, increase employee commitment, and enhance the company’s brand in its sector.


So what’s the one way that can boost your employee engagement?

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